Dancing Fools Canvas Oil Painting

  • SKU: CHF-4166

  • UPC: 840018119062

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( $87.00)

Original price was: $124.00.Current price is: $87.00.

SKU: CHF-4166 Category:
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Dancing Fools is a hand finished canvas oil painting. This painting grabs your attention through a distortion in one of the figures. The blue figure seems proportional and seeming to beckon the other figure. But the other one dressed in red is elongated with a lower body spun around at the torso. These two dancin’ fools have danced their way into the clouds, high above the mountains, and high above their cares. This intriguing wall art is bright, colorful, and mysterious, a good abstract wall art piece for enhancing your home décor.
Brand: Charlotte Home Furnishings Inc.
Composition: Canvas Oil Painting
Finish: Gallery wrapped Canvas Art arrives ready to hang.
Origin: Wall Art finished in USA
Color: Yellow
Dimensions: Weight:
1.25 × 36 × 24 in 5 lbs

Usually Ships in 5-10 days

Estimated Shipping Date: 01/27/2025