Lemon De Genova Belgian Tapestry

  • SKU: CHF-697

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( $271.00)

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Lemon De Genova Belgian chenille tapestry features the work of artist Johann Christoph Volkamer (1644 - 1720). At one time associated with evil, the lemon was actually excommunicated by Catalan priests who claimed that the devil had made it imperfect. Thankfully, it proved a godsend to mariners who suffered from scurvy, which was the curse of those who took to the sea. The lack of vitamin C aboard ship became so serious that a man could die within a week’s time of the malady. The lemon offered a natural cure. The lemon’s place in history was assured when King Louis XIV offered gift of lemons to courtesans on the evening of a ball. This lovely tapestry celebrates all that is good with lemons. It pictures a whole and halved lemon, portrayed above the orchards in the Mediterranean from whence they came.
Brand: Charlotte Home Furnishings Inc.
Artist: Volkamer
Composition: 100% Soft Cotton Chenille
Finish: Tapestry is unlined. Has a tunnel for easy hanging.
Origin: Woven in Belgium
Color: Yellow
Dimensions: Weight:
0.1 × 54 × 76 in 4 lbs

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